The International Dan grading test have done under supervision of Master Fereidoon Salehi from Hombu dojo Japan in Tehran on march 12th

The International Dan grading test have done under supervision of Master Salehi from Hombu dojo Japan in Tehran on march 12th

The International Dan grading test have done under supervision of Master Fereidoon Salehi from Hombu dojo Japan in Tehran on march 12th

3/12/2021 1:00:00 AM

The International Dan grading test have done under supervision of Master Fereidoon Salehi from Hombu dojo Japan in Tehran on march 12th, and thanks to sensei Nikakhtar and sensei Ziyaie for their cooperation , the students who have success in the exams , they will have their licence from Hombu dojo

Writer: بنیاد پرشیا آی کی کای